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COVID-19 Restrictions Eased in Iceland Today

New rules regarding public gatherings took effect in Iceland today and will remain in effect through May 26.

The maximum number of people allowed to gather is now 50 instead of 20.

Swimming pools and fitness centers may now receive 75 percent of the maximum number of people their licenses allow. This is up from 50 percent.

The opening hours of restaurants, nightclubs, and bars have been extended by an hour. They may receive guests until 10 pm, and everyone must leave the premises by 11 pm.

Gambling machines and arcades may be open until 10 pm, and everyone must have left by 11 pm.

The maximum number of seated guests at cultural events, as well as at religious services, is now 150. At funerals, 50 persons may be in the same area.

Up to 150 seated spectators may attend sport competitions for children and for adults.

Masks must be worn wherever the two-meter social distancing rule cannot be kept between individuals who are not closely linked, with the exception of schools and certain events where guests are seated in booked seats. The obligation to wear a mask does not apply to children born 2005 or later.

Face masks shall be used in public transport, in shops and other services. 

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