
Requirements for Visiting Iceland in 2021

Iceland has reopened for tourism and allowing visitors from all countries to enter as of April 2021, but of course with a few requirements. Below we’ve explained all of Iceland’s entry regulations and rules, which differ from most other countries that have also reopened, especially fellow EU nations.

At the end of April, Iceland updated its entry rules, making them more complex to understand than ever. To sum up the changes easily: they’ve made entry easier for vaccinated travelers, but all travelers are still going to undergo testing upon arrival.

Iceland is Open to Tourists From All Countries… Sort Of

Iceland is allowing visitors from all countries worldwide, as long as they meet one of two requirements:

  • They’ve been fully vaccinated and can show proof, or
  • They’ve already recovered from the virus and can show proof of a positive PCR test, older than 14 days

If a tourist wants to come from a country outside the EU, let’s say Canada for example, and they have not been vaccinated or previously recovered from the virus, they are not eligible to enter Iceland at this time.

Iceland’s PCR testing rules

PCR testing is required from everyone, now even vaccinated passengers with the latest entry requirement update, however the rules are slightly different depending on if you’re vaccinated or not.

Are things open in Iceland?

Yes. Many services and attractions have reopened in Iceland to accommodate incoming tourists
As of April 2021, here’s what’s open:

  • Restaurants and bars with up to 20 guests, closing by 10pm
  • Cinemas and cultural events/shows with 100 spectator max
  • Swimming pools, gyms and spas with 50% capacity limits
  • Public transit and domestic flights
  • Non-essential shops with capacity limits
  • 20 person gathering limit
  • Blue Lagoon with restricted hours.

Read More: https://bit.ly/3nZ78NX

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