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Scotland And Wales Ending All Restrictions This Weekend

Scotland and Wales will drop almost all COVID-19 restrictions over the coming days, two weeks after England decided to drop COVID-19 restrictions.

The news comes after the United Kingdom reopened for travel on Monday if you’re fully vaccinated and from the EU and the U.S.A.

The U.K has very few COVID-19 restrictions now, making it one of the least restricted countries in Europe and the world. 

This is a result of a fast vaccination rollout, with over 85 million vaccine doses given so far. Over 46 million British people have had their first vaccine, and over 39 million have had their second vaccine dose. 

The End Of Restrictions In Scotland 

Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced this week that all limits on physical distancing would go.

Scotland will also end limits on gatherings. That is the result of Scotland’s fast vaccination drive and dropping cases of COVID-19. 

In addition, Scotland will finally open its nightclubs after 17 months of closure amid the pandemic.

Scotland is currently averaging around 1,250 cases of COVID-19 per day, with over 4 million people receiving their first vaccine dose and 3.2 million people receiving their second vaccine dose. 

Scotland has seen a total of 351,000 cases of COVID-19 since the pandemic started, with just under 8,000 deaths. 

The final restrictions in Scotland will end on August 9th. 

The End Of Restrictions In Wales 

Wales has decided to also end most COVID-19 restrictions in the country.

That includes scrapping limits on physical distancing and an end to limits of social gatherings. As a result, the country will open all tourism attractions without restrictions. 

However, Wales will still require face masks in public places, stating masks would need to be in place for the remainder of the year.

In contrast, England has removed the legal requirement to wear masks in public places. 

The Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford stated that the end of restrictions was “a significant step for all of us.” He also added that “it’s a big step closer to life before the pandemic.”

Although all legal limits on social distancing are being lifted on Saturday, the First Minister urged caution and advised the country against having a “free for all” as restrictions end.

Most restrictions in Wales will end on August 7th.

What This Means For Travel In The U.K

The removal of restrictions in Scotland on the 9th of August and Wales on the 7th of August will unite the country with England in returning to relatively normal life. 

Travelers from the United States and the EU can enter the U.K with proof of vaccination. Tourists will also enjoy very few restrictions once they’re inside the country. 

Travelers can now enjoy almost everything the United Kingdom has to offer without any restrictions. That includes bars, restaurants, cafes, museums, sporting events, musical festivals, and much more. 

The Current COVID-19 Situation In The U.K

When the U.K decided to become one of the first countries in the world to fully remove restrictions, many scientists and governments around the world had their doubts. 

However, COVID-19 cases in the U.K have dropped since England removed all restrictions in July.

Scientists are now debating whether the United Kingdom has reached herd immunity and the pandemic is ending in the U.K.
