
18 Life-Changing Vacations for Couples

Talum, Mexico

getting unobstructed one-on-one time while exploring unfamiliar parts of the world. Whether domestic or international, a trip with your significant other almost always guarantees sharing unusual experiences and learning something new about each other, like that your girlfriend gets a rush from cliff diving, or your boyfriend can make friends with anyone despite only being able to say “Where’s the bathroom?” in the local language.

It’s easy to uncover sides of your partner, and maybe even yourself, you haven’t seen before when you’re having many first-time experiences together, and travel allows couples to access a different kind of closeness than that of regular daily life.

Related: Half of Married Couples Have the Same Argument While on Vacation

When deciding where to venture with your significant other, you’ll want to consider which components of a romantic getaway matter most to you, from beautiful sites and adventurous activities to intimate settings and stunning views.

These 15 places should be on your radar for a mix of those elements.START SLIDESHOW