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Germany will remove the Philippines from high-risk countries.

German authorities have announced that five countries will be removed from the high-risk list of countries affected by the COVID-19 disease on Sunday, December 12.

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI), Germany’s responsible body for disease prevention and control, has published a new update of the lists. The following countries, according to the announcement, will no longer be on the high-risk list:

The Philippine Islands
Based on Germany’s current entry rules, the decision means that beginning December 12, vaccinated and recovered travelers who arrive in Germany from one of the countries listed above will be subject to less stringent entry requirements.

Travelers from Armenia, Iran, Mongolia, the Philippines, and Romania who have been fully vaccinated or have recovered from the COVID-19 disease will no longer be required to register before entering Germany.

Furthermore, visitors from these countries will be exempt from the quarantine requirement.

On the other hand, unvaccinated and unrecovered travelers who arrive in Germany from one of the countries that will be removed from the high-risk list will continue to face strict entry requirements. They can only enter Germany for absolutely necessary purposes if they follow entry rules such as testing and quarantine requirements.

There have been no new countries added to Germany’s high-risk list. Nonetheless, Switzerland, Poland, Liechtenstein, and several other EU/Schengen Area countries, including Croatia, Belgium, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Austria, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czechia, and Hungary, are on the list.

All visitors from high-risk areas must complete a digital entry form. Furthermore, those who have not been vaccinated or have not recovered from the virus must remain self-isolated for ten days after arriving in Germany.
