Feast of the Conversion of St Paul
Feast of the Conversion of St Paul Tuesday, January 25, known as the Apostle of the Gentiles, in thanksgiving to God for the miraculous conversion of the revered saint – from a life of sinfulness to holiness.
A fiesta mass will be celebrated Tuesday at the Conversion of St. Paul Parish in Lubao, Pampanga at 8 a.m. to preside Archdiocese of San Fernando Archbishop Emeritus Paciano Aniceto and at 5 p.m. by Bishop Florentino Lavarias.
Dubbed as Fiesta nang Apong Ambo, the parish celebration started last January 16 with a novena at 5:30 p.m. followed by a holy mass.
Commemorative masses will also be celebrated in Bingawan, Iloilo.

Known as the author of the Letters of St. Paul in the New Testament, which are often read during the Liturgy of the Word at Mass, Eucharistic celebrations will be led by Paulinian communities in many parts of the world including the Philippines in honor of their beloved patron saint and founder.
The Church urges the faithful to contemplate on his example “as a true model for sinners for true conversion, and as an inspiration that any sinner may be forgiven no matter how terrible his sins.”
Born in Tarsus, Turkey, St. Paul, then known as Saul, was one of the greatest persecutors of Christians. He was feared for his violent nature as he tortured and persecuted the followers of Christ, including St. Stephen the martyr, who was stoned to death.
Jesus sent him the gift of the Holy Spirit (Act 9:18) and renamed him Paul to show that he was a changed man. Together with St. Timothy, they preached throughout Asia and Greece where they built many churches.
Read more here: https://bit.ly/3KKna9o