Basic But Useful Italian Phrases
Basic But Useful Italian Phrases
Andiamo! While daydreaming about your next Italian trip

Basic But Useful Italian Phrases
If you’re considering a trip to Italy, it’s a good idea to polish up on your Italian vocabulary. We’ll walk you through the most effective ways to communicate on your trip to Italy in this guide on basic Italian phrases for travel. After all, language is an important aspect of Italian culture, and you want to immerse yourself in it all, right?
Making an attempt to understand and speak Italian while on vacation is more than a question of respect – though we believe it is necessary as well. When you communicate to people in their own language, they respect it, and you have opportunities that you would not have had if you were speaking English.
there is something special about the Italian language. Whether it’s a casual conversation, a heated argument, or an artfully composed aria, everything just sounds better in Italian.
However, it can be intimidating to mumble a mangled Italian phrase when the natives around you are effortlessly stitching beautiful words together like a pastaio folds immaculate tortellini or a gondolier glides across a Venice canal.

LOK, pronto? Ready? Here are a few basic Italian words and phrases to get you started. (All phrases are formal unless noted.)
Basic Italian Words
Hello: Ciao (informal); Salve (formal)
Goodbye: Ciao (informal); Arrivederci (formal)
Good morning: Buongiorno
Good evening: Buonasera
Goodnight: Buonanotte (use this when you’re going to bed)
Please: Per favore; per piacere
Thank you: Grazie
Thanks so much: Grazie mille
You’re welcome: Prego; Di niente
Beautiful: Bello (masculine); Bella (feminine)
Good: Buono (masculine); Buona (feminine)
Friend: Amico (masculine); Amica (feminine)
Family: Famiglia
Well: Bene
Bad: Male
Yes: Sì
No: No
Who?: Chi?
What?: Che?; Cosa?
Where?: Dove?
When?: Quando?
Why?: Perché?
How much?: Quanto?
Basic Italian Travel Words and Phrases
I would like… (ordering food or buying a ticket): Vorrei.
Check, please: Il conto, per favore.
Where is…?: Dov’è…?
Tourist: Turista
Airport: Aeroporto
Airplane: Aereo
Luggage: Bagagli
Suitcase: Valigia
Train: Treno
Ticket: Bigletto
Rental car: Auto a noleggio
Bathroom: Bagno
Restaurant: Ristorante
Museum: Museo
Church/Cathedral: Chiesa/Duomo
Beach: Spiaggia
Store: Negozio.

Italian Slang Words
Dope!: Che figata!
Of course!: Avoglia!
A lot: Un botto
See you later: Ci becchiamo dopo
What the heck: Che cavolo
Chill!: Scialla!