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50 of the Most Useful Travel Tips

Most useful travel tips, hacks and advice for traveling around the world from our 10 years of traveling experience. Learn how to travel smart to make the most of your trip.

We love to travel. Traveling gives us the opportunity to explore new places and meet new people. It also broadens our horizons. Having said that, at times, it can be pretty challenging and even daunting. And yes, there are many things we wish we knew before we started traveling.

We lived abroad twice, had an amazing year in Canada, once bought a van and traveled around New Zealand for 15 months, climbed the glacier on a volcano in Colombia, dived with playful sea lions at Galapagos, skied in the Dolomites, enjoyed sandy beaches in the Philippines, hiked around Himalayas, road tripped through Red Center in Australia, and so much more.

We’ve been traveling the world as a couple ever since we first met and on our journey, we try to spend less and see more.

On our trips, we gathered a lot of travel experience that helps us now to travel better. And yes, we made a lot of travel mistakes along the way. But we always try to learn from them, so we don’t repeat them in the future.

So, this is our list of incredibly helpful list of travel tips we’ve picked up from more than 10 years of traveling together.

#1 Create a Travel Journal Before Your Trip

Starting a travel journal is one of the best ways how to start your next adventure. Write before, during your trip and after you leave. Make notes all the time. Record moments. Take photographs. Caption photos.

Recording your travels helps you to look back on your adventures when you return from the journey. You can stick with pen and paper to record your thoughts or create an online journal. Whatever works best for you.

We still have our travel journal we wrote years ago during our trip around New Zealand, and it’s amazing to get back to all the exciting things we have seen and experienced after all those years.

The more you travel and see, more you forget. It’s nice to have a place to look when you get back home and forget all the small details or funny stories.

As we kept our travel diary from New Zealand, we can quickly find how our trip to Waitomo Glowworm Caves or Tongariro Alpine Crossing was even after all those years.

Write whenever and wherever you can, or make extra time every evening and write down everything you’ve done that day. Make it a habit.

Keeping a diary is not only great for recording your travels, but it also works as a mirror, and you will learn something about yourself.

#2 Read a History Book

You will learn about the country you travel in, about the local people, customs, how they think, it will influence your own critical thinking, empathy and makes you more knowledgeable.

When we were exploring Peru, the traveling distances between the destinations were huge, so we spent the time on buses reading about the history of this amazing country.

Of course, you can watch the movies all the time, but you won’t learn about the country, except that Dwayne Rock is for some unknown reasons extremely popular there.

Instead, try to read a book. Reading especially about the Incas and the Spaniards conquest of the empire was so magical and enlightening, and it expanded further our knowledge about the pre-Columbian times and helped us understand this country better.

We also enjoyed places such as Sacred Valley or Nazca much more.

Extra Tip: Kindle has a perfect travel size and allows you to bring your favorite books with you on a vacation.

#3 Try Local Food

You never know what you will get, and you might end up as we did in Hoi An eating a raw blood soup with animal innards in a family-owned restaurant/furniture store.

After we finished the dinner we were rewarded with a couple of wine rice drinks! This example is a bit extreme, but you get the idea.

Exploring foreign cuisines is fun and definitely worth trying. Local food is part of the cultural experience and is deeply connected with traveling.

On top of that, you support local communities, and the economy as the money you spend stays in the country. Also, seasonal locally grown vegetables and fruits taste so much better!

Moreover, some places such as Melaka or Lima are known as foodies heaven.

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#4 Find a Cheap Local Restaurant Away From the Tourist Places

We believe that this advice is more aimed to long-term travelers than for someone who wants to visit the destination just for a week or two and doesn’t have time to wander around the city to look for a cheap eatery.

The main square is usually the most popular and touristy place in the town, that means that the prices for the food and service are high and most of the time, overpriced.

Old Town Square in Prague is magical. It’s also one of the worst places to have a meal in the city.

Walk for 10 minutes in any direction, and you will be able to find a place that serves a nice meal for half a price (with much better service).

#5 Plan Your Trip Together

It’s all about bonding and reconnecting. Sit down together and write down your budget, destinations you want to visit and preferred activities you would love to do.

Do you want to drive around Ring Road? Or would you rather go exploring the beaches and trails of Manuel Antonio National Park?

If you’re a solo-traveler, plan your journey with friends, or better, invite them to join you on the trip. Couples can share their travel ideas with their partners and families can involve kids.

Planning a perfect holiday is hard work, but when everyone is involved, it’s quicker, more efficient, fun and it’s amazing what you can accomplish together.

Discuss what kind of holiday you want, plan together and divide responsibilities according to your strengths.

With this simple advice, you will be able to plan your perfect vacation!

Traveling gives you the opportunity to explore new things, meet new people and cultures.

#6 Let Someone at Home Know Your Plans

It doesn’t matter if you travel solo, with a partner or with friends, always tell someone back home about your upcoming travels, and check in periodically so they know you’re safe.

Regardless of whether you go hiking in Lake O’Hara or Mount Assiniboine Provincial Park, make sure that someone knows bout your plans.

If you go hiking always inform the rangers at the information center or people that you are staying with.

Some countries have online travel database managed by the government where you can register yourself, and they will help you in case of natural disasters, social riots or other things.

#7 Notify Your Bank About Your Upcoming Travel

It’s a small but crucial step. Notify your bank that you will travel to a foreign country. There is nothing worse than a bank blocking your credit card without letting you know.

Call your bank and let them know about your travel plans. You can also set it up in your online banking account. The bank is trying to protect you, and if they see any suspicious transactions from overseas, they could lock your account.

We had this unpleasant experience in Rio de Janeiro where we couldn’t get an Uber ride because our credit card was blocked.

Extra tip: Make sure to use no-fee bank cards to avoid paying bank fees while traveling. It’s irritating to get charged twice while spending money abroad.

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#8 Travel With More Than Just One Credit Card

ATM eats your credit card, you get robbed, or your bank will decide to block your credit card for suspicious activity (see travel tip #7). Being stranded in a foreign country without access to your money is every traveler’s nightmare.

In Kathmandu, an ATM swallowed our credit card, which was not funny at all.

Always have more than just one way how to access your money.

#9 Keep Emergency Cash

There are ATMs everywhere, and it’s never been easier to access your money from almost anywhere in the world.

Despite the fact we recommend you to keep some emergency cash at the hotel, 100-200 dollars per person is enough for emergency situations, and we believe that USD is still the most versatile currency around the globe.

And there are still plenty of countries such as Bolivia or Guatemala where cash is the king.

#10 Learn Common Phrases of the Local Language

Communication is extremely important when it comes to traveling. Saying “Hi” and “Thank you” to a complete stranger in a foreign language will help you get over the language barrier.

It’s also very respectful towards the people you’ll meet and makes you less ignorant. Locals tend to be more helpful and friendly if you try to say something in their mother language.

You don’t need to be fluent in a new language, but mastering some basic words and key phrases will help you overcome lots of difficult situations and make your travels easier. Focus only on words and phrases you will actually need while traveling.

Learn how to ask for general information, food prices, transportation, directions and the word for bathroom.

As we’re from the Czech Republic, we can teach you the two most common phrases you can use during the entire trip.

‘Dekuji’ means thank you, and ‘Dobry den’ means good day. See, not hard at all.

The Best Travel Hacks You Need to Know Before Leaving Your Home

#11 Always Get a Travel Insurance

Having good travel insurance is cheaper than paying the costs of health care when traveling abroad.

In most parts of the world, medical help is extremely expensive, and it’s not worth the risk to save a few bucks.

A great example would be mountain trekking at high altitudes. If you get altitude sickness somewhere in Nepal mountains, the cost of a helicopter ride starts around 6000 USD. But travel insurance is not only about medical coverage.

It’s usually a package that covers trip cancellation, lost baggage, trip delay, emergency services, and other things.

You might think that’s just another expense, but every smart traveler won’t leave the house without good travel insurance.

We never leave our home without travel insurance which is designed to help cover your expenses if something goes wrong on your trip.

World Nomads Travel Insurance has been designed by travelers for travelers, to cover your trip essentials. Don’t forget to purchase your insurance before your trip!

#12 Make Photocopies of Important Documents

Every single traveler will give you this advice, and it will help you survive and avoid unpleasant situations in case you get in trouble and lose them.

What copies should I have? Passport, visa, travel insurance, driver’s license, airline tickets, hotel/cruise/tour/rental confirmations are among the most important travel documents.

And how should I backup my travel documents? Offline in your phone, online in the cloud, USB flash drive and also don’t forget to keep printed copies with you.

We were caught by surprise in domestic flight in Peru from Lima to Iquitos at the airport check-in where they required a printed version of our flight tickets and wanted to charge us 35 USD for printing them.

It was quite a shock after flying experiences with the low-cost airlines in South East Asia where they required from us only to show reservation on the phone.

#13 Share Your Travel Tips and Travel Knowledge

You don’t need to run a travel blog to share useful travel tips with others. You can share them in the hostel, on the bus or in the pub over a few beers with other travelers you’ll meet during your trip.

When you travel you will meet many travelers who are the most up-to-date source of information.

Are you about to cross the borders from Colombia to Ecuador by land, but couldn’t find any recent information?

Ask other travelers in your hostel. You might not only get great travel advice, but you can also find new friends.

#14 Use TripAdvisor (Smartly)

“What? I’ve read on every single travel blog sharing the best travel tips that TripAdvisor is evil, and I should avoid it at all costs!”

This is not exactly true. TripAdvisor can be a great travel help if you use it with common sense.

There are thousands and thousands of travel reviews, tips, advice, and experiences which you won’t find anywhere else and if you learn to filter and process all the information you will find lots of useful travel advice.

And unlike Instagram, you can also find mostly not post-processed and not staged images of places you want to visit to give you a better perspective of the area.

Be skeptical with 5 and 1 stars reviews, people leaving over excited or bashing reviews, especially when the accounts are new, they might be fake.

Focus on sorting the information. If a history fan leaves an excited review of Tikal Ruins, he’s just visited, ask yourself first, if you like history, ruins or you have historical background to enjoy the place and prevent the future disappointment.

We also don’t use it for finding places where to eat as there are lots of overpriced tourist restaurants.

Simply put, the information is there, but buried under thick layer of unhelpful tips.

#15 Bring a Camera

We love to bring a our mirrorless camera for our travels, trips and vacations.

You can ask yourself if you really need to bring more than a smartphone when traveling, but it’s the question only you can answer.

We’ll give you a small hint. We believe that modern iPhone is good enough for most travelers, you can take great photos with it, it’s light, easy to pack and carry, and overall it’s easier to travel with.

We love to carry our mirrorless camera though as there are still lots of benefits over the phones, such as lens selection, zoom lenses, the overall quality, sensor size, battery life, and other things.

We wouldn’t be able to capture stunning wildlife photos on the Galapagos Islands without a long telephoto lens. We still take pictures on our phone to make backups, if we want to share them with friends and family or to post them on social media though.

Nevertheless, either you are smartphone user or big camera enthusiast, it’s always good to take your camera everywhere you go to capture and preserve travel memories.

Photo Tip: Pack some extra memory cards to make sure you won’t run out of space.

Travel Tips and Hacks that Will Make You A Better Traveller

#16 Keep Your Devices Charged

You will always run out of battery in the most inconvenient situations. Charging your devices whenever you have the chance is the best way to keep your travels stress free.

Most of the modern smartphones, laptops or cameras eat your battery really fast, but they usually survive a day without charging.

You can always pack a power bank or spare batteries which is extra useful when you travel somewhere without electricity, but most of the time it adds only an extra weight to your backpack.

Every time you see a free socket, plug it in!

Extra tip: Pack a suitable travel adapter so you can actually use the socket!

#17 Bring Spare Camera Battery (or Three)

The main reason behind bringing spare camera batteries for your trip is peace of mind. Your battery can fail, you will travel to a remote place without the possibility to charge it, or you forget to charge it overnight.

Also, batteries lose charge over time and don’t work well in cold weather. We like to bring at least three batteries for our trips.

We know that our compact mirrorless camera will not have enough power for a Quilotoa Loop or Salkantay Trek.

Extra battery in your backpack will allow you to take more photos and the extra weight doesn’t outweigh the risk of a flat battery.

#18 Backup Your Photos

Make sure you never lose your photos. You probably backup your files and photos at home, but how to keep your data safe when traveling?

Bring more memory cards and change them frequently, transfer your photos to your external disk at the end of the day or upload them to the cloud storage.

Online cloud storage is by far the best and most secure way to keep your photos safe.

Unfortunately, uploading photos in places like Carretera Austral is sometimes impossible due to low internet speed.

These are just a few examples of what to do with your data and how to prevent losing them.

Back up your data now!

Extra tip: If you tend to forget like me, set a reminder!

#19 Beware of Free Public Wi-Fi

Using public Wi-Fi might be a great idea if you really need to find where is the nearest grocery store, what time the next bus leaves or how to get back to your hotel but it poses one of the biggest online threats for travelers.

Try to avoid using free Wi-Fi at the airports, coffee shops and other public places for logging into your bank accounts, entering passwords or credit card details.

There are hackers lurking to steal your unprotected data or personal information. Rule of thumb is to use password protected network in trusted places, mind you, it’s not risk-free either.

#20 Use Offline Maps for Navigation

Downloading is one of the best travel advice we can share with you.

This is a free offline map navigation app, so you don’t have to worry about getting lost or reaching the destination. This super useful mobile application also works great for city walks.

Simply add the points of interest while staying at your hotel room and then follow the navigation.

What we love the most about the app is that it displays popular hiking trails, and helps you with outdoor activities and backcountry orientation.

We use it a lot for hikes that don’t have the best signage, such as Casa del Arbol or Cerro Gaital, and it works like a charm.

Best Travel Hacks That Will Save You Money and help your travel more

#21 Use Google Translate

Once in a while, you will find yourself in a situation where all verbal and non-verbal communication will fail.

Being able to look something up while buying tickets at the train station or looking for directions can be a lifesaver.

The Google Translate app is a great and helpful tool as it works offline and you don’t need access to the internet. Make sure that you don’t forget to download languages prior to your arrival.

You can also use camera translation to translate images or text instantly by just pointing your camera, or you can translate whole web pages when looking for certain information.

And if you have internet access, you can Conversation feature which allows you to translate both sides of a spoken conversation.

Pretty neat!

#22 Decide What Types of Places Will You Visit

Beaches, mountains, cities? Before you leave, make sure you know what places you will visit.

You will know what to expect, what to pack, what to do once you get there.

Choosing a travel destination is an essential step of every trip.

Are going to hike in high altitude? High altitude sickness can cause serious health problems and you better not underestimate it.

Are you going to a country with malaria risk? You might need to purchase medication before leaving and know about the risks of side-effects.

Are you going to visit Louvre in Paris? You might end up waiting in hour-long queues resulting in frustration.

More information you know about the places you will visit, the fewer surprises you’ll run into while on the road.

You can research a travel destination before you go and find out everything you need to know before making the trip.

Be prepared.

#23 Visit the Touristy Stuff

Yes, there is a reason why famous tourist places are extremely popular, and everyone wants to visit them.

Lake Louise and Moraine Lake in Banff National Park are great examples of extremely popular but breathtaking places definitely worth visiting.

Similarly, everyone wants to see Petra or Yellowstone National Park.

These places are usually the most stunning with great visitor’s infrastructure, it’s easy to get there, and despite the crowds and high fees, it’s definitely worth seeing them too.

#24 Visit Non-Touristy Stuff

There are still places in this beautiful world which don’t see many if any tourists.

It takes time to get there, they might be not that spectacular, but they have a completely different, almost magical, atmosphere.

Being either dull or with little infrastructure, these places are unable to cater to the need of travelers majority.

The beauty of these places lies in the fact that you can find non-commercial towns, unspoiled nature and deeper connections with the locals.

Like we did find in Playa De Belen in Colombia.

#25 Travel in a Shoulder Months or Off-Season

Great travel advice and one of the best ways to save money and avoid the crowds while traveling.

Lower prices for hotels, airfares, transportation, and the fact that you won’t spend several hours queuing to get in a popular tourist site are among the main reasons to make your trip in the off-season.

For example, Europe has the high season in summer due to perfect weather conditions.

But if you’re planning to explore the museums or breathtaking architecture of European cities, taste the local cuisine or have a completely different experience from the destination, you can come and visit the places in the off-peak months.

Keep in mind that some places might be inaccessible or closed because of the weather! For instance, Inca Trail is closed in February.

Make the essential parts of traveling easier on yourself by following our best travel tips

#26 Get Up Early

Most of the tourists are still in the bed around sunrise, and the locals start their new day early in the morning.

Regardless of whether you want to see the sunrise in Tayrona National Park or just roam the streets of Panama City, it’s worth the effort.

Every destination has a completely different atmosphere, you will have the chance to see an entirely different side of the place you are visiting. Plus it provides lots of photo opportunities to capture all the magical moments.

You will also feel better and have a more productive day.

And here is one extra tip for photographers. Around dawn, there are fewer people around, the air is cleaner in the morning, has a lesser amount of smog and dust and you will get better and crisper photos than during sunset.

Also sunrise (and sunset) are in general the best times to take pictures as the light is soft and you will get more beautiful photos.

#27 Be Flexible

A flexible itinerary is one of the keys for having a great time on your vacation. Plan some activities for specific days, leave some days open.

And it’s always great to have a backup plan. If you’re expecting that everything will go without any hiccups during your trip, you might get some unpleasant surprises.

Has your connecting flight been delayed, or are you too tired from jet lag that you need catch up on sleep? Did you enjoy roaming around the streets of Vienna or Sao Paulo and want to stay one more day?

We highly recommend you to allow yourself a few extra days on your trip just in case something goes wrong or you need to adjust the itinerary.

Next time when things don’t go your way, stay calm and take several deep breaths.

We had to postpone our trekking adventure and wait for almost a week to set off for our Milford Track in New Zealand because of the heavy rain and danger of flooding.

And remember, best travel stories come from your struggles, bad decisions, and unplanned annoyances!

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Hi, we are Lucie & Martin,

and we know how to travel more and spend less!

As independent travelers, we always try to give you our honest opinion and only write about places we visited ourselves.

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#28 Get Lost On Purpose

One of our favorite travel tips. If you’ve just arrived in a new destination and you started looking for your paper or digital travel guide we recommend you to stop, as you will end up at the same place as every other traveler.

Instead, put on your comfortable shoes and start walking. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to go to the city outskirts.

There is not much to see and do anyway, but rather try to explore the tourist places on your own, take your time and immerse yourself in the experience.

Wandering around the cold streets of European city like Prague in winter will make it a once in a lifetime experience.

If you’re worried about the safety, the locals will usually warn you.

Like it happened to us when we were dropped off in an unknown, hectic and dodgy looking part of Chiclayo town in northern Peru.

We immediately got a warning from a friendly local woman to keep our phones safely in our pockets and don’t use them on the public.

When we first arrived in the city, we were told not to visit the northern part of the town at all!

#29 Leave Your Comfort Zone

Are you stuck in your comfort zone? Traveling around the world gives you tons of opportunity to get out of your comfort zone!

Pushing yourself to do the things that you are scared of is a great way to overcome your fears and anxiety and will bring you amazing experiences and memories!

We always wanted to try mountaineering but had a million excuses why not to do it.

So, we decided to climb the volcano in Colombia at 5000 meters above sea level! As it turned out, it was one of the best experiences we’ve ever had.

Later on, in Nicaragua, we did the opposite and tried volcano boarding in Leon.

Being said that, getting out of your comfort zone while traveling doesn’t have to be only about those planned adrenaline activities.

Sometimes, it’s more adventurous just to talk to someone washing the dishes next to you in a hostel.

Stepping out of the comfort zone has for everyone a different meaning, so try to find your own obstacles you might want to tackle.

#30 You Won’t Be Able to See Everything

Accept it, embrace it, and you will enjoy your travels more. The world is gigantic. Similarly, some countries such as Brazil or Colombia are huge, and it’s impossible to see everything.

Prioritization is the key.

Focus on what you want to see and do, what you like, the things that interest you, build the right itinerary and if you plan it well and give yourself enough time, you’ll still be able to see a lot and have a great time!

Planning, packing, and organizing are three key factors when it comes to traveling

#31 Be Spontaneous

We often see people on their holidays following blindly their perfectly planned itineraries. That’s completely understandable. Who doesn’t want to have an amazing trip?

But even if you like the things going according to the plan, leave some room for spontaneity.

You might end up with the best travel memories you will ever have!

Completely unexpectedly, we happened to visit a European Cup football qualification game while in Lankaran just because we were curious enough about the crowd marching in the streets and decided to follow them.

When we arrived at the stadium, we bought the tickets and watched the game. I believe that Lucie, who wore a bright pink dress that day, was the only woman attending the game among thousands of Azerbaijani male football fans.

It was not something we planned, but we experienced something new, and it was fun.

#32 Slow Down

What’s the rush? Traveling is not a competition. You won’t get a gold medal at the end of your trip for checking off every single item on your destination’s bucket list.

Slow travel is the best way to immerse yourself in a travel experience, to connect with new people, culture and to enjoy the local cuisine.

Sure, not everyone has three weeks for Cusco as we had, but the idea remains the same.

Forget the checklist of must-do’s or activities you can’t miss, instead focus on the journey itself, not the destination, keep yourself open to experiences and keep it simple.

Trust us, you will see more.

#33 Use Public Transport

We usually try to use public transport when traveling and even though it’s not always the best option how to get from the point A to point B, it will enhance your travel experience.

Quality of the public transport varies from nice clean and safe to smelly sketchy and utterly terrible.

Nevertheless, it’s always a great way to observe and learn a little bit more about the country’s culture and local people.

Getting around the capital city of Ecuador, Quito, in overcrowded buses or using a metro in Mexico City was something you don’t experience every day.

#34 Book Early for Cheap Flights

Airfare is usually one of the biggest parts of every travel budget.

By booking approximately two months in advance, you will get the best deal and save a considerable amount of money.

You don’t have to book flights a year in advance to save some money, but leaving it for the last minute will usually cost you more.

Use different flight search programs to compare the prices, check airlines websites directly and try to have a flexible schedule in order to secure the best deal.

Or keep your travel plans open, and if you see cheap flight tickets to Prague, be spontaneous and book them!

#35 Travel Responsibly

There is no secret that mass tourism has huge, and most of the time, a negative impact on the travel destinations fragile environment.

You don’t have to follow every single step of guidelines of how to travel responsibly, but every small thing you do will help.

Next time you travel somewhere, buy local food, use public transport or consider bringing biodegradable soap. There are dozens of countries where is perfectly safe to drink tap water. Or you can just stay on the designated trail on your next hike.

Try to think more about what you can do better and minimize your impact. Deciding on which tour operator to go with? There are companies who actually care about the environment.

There are tons of things you can do differently, start with simple one!

Traveling can be daunting and expensive, but a few great travel hacks and tips can help you save big on your next trip

#36 Cheapest Doesn’t Always Mean the Best

The cheapest bus company has old unreliable buses and overworked drivers, your tour guide doesn’t know a single English word, the low-cost flight company will charge you extra for everything, or the rented car will break down.

These are some real-life examples. Our local guide in Colca Canyon didn’t speak English, or the bus driver got lost a couple of times on our way to Ouro Preto.

When traveling around the world, mostly in developing or third world countries, there can be a huge difference between the price and quality of the delivered service.

If you’re traveling on a low budget you might be tempted to cut the cost of travel as much as possible.

Sometimes it’s not worth the trouble though.

And by the way, there are always some ways to save money for travel.

#37 Try Work and Travel Visa

We spent a year in Canada, and another year in New Zealand, and it was one of the best life experiences we’ve ever had.

You will make new friends, you can greatly improve your level of English if it’s not your first language, you will earn money which will make it possible to travel more, you can visit places you’ve only seen in movies and so much more.

There are tons of reasons to live abroad and Work and Travel visa gives you the best opportunity to do it.

Where is the catch? It’s only for young(er) people, and countries have different policies, and rules for issuing visas.

To give you an example, if you’re Czech Republic citizen, and want to apply for WHS in Canada, you have to be under 35, and the Canadian government issues only 1000 visas per year.

In the next step they will allocate your application in the virtual pool, and finally, they will randomly select candidates.

Check about the countries policy before you apply!

#38 Don’t Joke at the Borders

Border control agents or security personnel do not get sarcasm and if asked, stay calm and give the straight and honest answer.

Regardless of whether you are crossing the borders from Costa Rica to Nicaragua or Chile to Argentina, act naturally.

Also, you should be careful when making jokes on social media about your forthcoming trip. You don’t want to be flagged as “possible threat” and be refused to enter the country.

#39 Pack Light and Smart

How to pack all your things into one big backpack is one of the most fundamental questions before setting off on a journey.

And no matter the length of the trip, you’ll need to fit all your stuff in a luggage at the end of the day.

Are you going camping to Amazon jungle? You don’t need make-up, tight leggings, and your nice cocktail dress. Unless you want to become lifetime buddies with mosquitoes!

Are you going on a Galapagos Cruise in Ecuador? You might want to leave your heavy trekking boots at home.

Set a weight limit and weigh your luggage. If you’re reaching the limit, cut down some of the items.

It happens to us more than often than we pack more than we really need and then we have to lug it around.

But make you sure you have adequate gear for the activities to cope with all the weather conditions your travels can throw at you.

#40 Bring Sarong

One of the most useful and versatile things to bring with you when traveling.

Sarongs are small to pack, light and easy to dry. They are also extremely cheap to buy.

And what are the best ways how to use them? You can use them as beach towels, to prevent sunburnt, as clean bed sheets, blankets, to cover your body at religious sites, or to make a curtain for privacy.

These are just a few examples to show how good and handy they are. We always bring one!

In this section we've put together lots of useful practical advice about travelling in Europe, US and Asia

#41 Use Passport Protector

Passport or ID is the most important thing you have while traveling and the last thing you want to get damaged or lost.

Keep it dry and clean in passport holder.

We don’t recommend you to use the travel wallets or holders to hold all your important documents in one place though, in case you lose it or you will get robbed, you will lose everything.

#42 Pack Your Stuff in Plastic Bags or Drybags

When backpacking around the world, it’s important more than anything to keep your clothes, valuables, documents, and other stuff dry.

You can buy almost anywhere those nice and overpriced plastic travel bags with zippers, or you can use good old garbage bags. They’re really strong and dirt cheap, and you don’t have to worry if they don’t last the whole trip.

Small travel plastic bags are also great for separating your travel liquids from the rest of your things.

Dry sacks are handy to keep your valuables safe in the daypack during the day, for island hopping in El Nido or beach adventures in Bocas del Toro.

For passport and other important documents, you can use a waterproof case.

Lots of people use only the rain cover to protect their things in their backpack, but keep in mind that it’s just water resistant, not waterproof.

#43 Pack a Flashlight

A flashlight is one of the things people underestimate the most when they travel.

Every smartphone has torchlight app which is a great feature, but the battery won’t last long and if you go hiking in Banff National Parkcamping in Iceland or you just get lost in the dark, proper flashlight is irreplaceable.

Headlamp is by far the best travel flashlight leaving your hands free.

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#44 Travel With a Toilet Roll

There are countries around the world where toilet paper is not always available. Always add it to your packing list and keep a stash of tissues or toilet paper with you!

It’s good to know where you can flush the toilet paper as it’s not granted everywhere in the world. In countries such as Peru or Ecuador, use the bin provided.

#45 Beat the Jet Lag

When you arrive at your dream destination take your time to adjust yourself to the daily rhythm and to the time zone difference. Jet lag from a long-haul flight can affect your body for hours or several days.

You can’t avoid it, but with a few simple and easy steps, you can minimize the symptoms.

Stay away from caffeine, alcohol, drink plenty of water, pick your arrival time if possible, choose front seats and relax or try to get some sleep depending on the daytime of your destination.

One thing is certain though, traveling east is always harder for our bodies than going west thanks to circadian rhythm known as sleep/wake cycle, which is our internal clock.

Read our 50 useful tips to prepare yourself for the best vacation of your life

#46 Get Vaccinated

Traveling abroad can be very exciting but it also poses health risks, and many countries require that you get vaccinated before arriving.

Visit a travel clinic or medicine specialist who will be able to give you general advice about travel health and travel vaccinations.

When we traveled around South America, it was required to have a yellow fever vaccination in order to enter Colombia.

There was a vaccine shortage in Calgary at the time we lived there, and we were lucky enough to get the partial dose of vaccination so plan your appointments ahead.

Remember, your safety and health are essential while traveling.

#47 Stay Hydrated

Water is essential for life, and every traveler should be mindful of the body’s requirements.

Long day city walk or day hike in the mountains can be challenging for the human body, and it’s easy to forget that our body needs water. It’s recommended to drink 2.5 liters a day though this depends on the activities you do and may vary from person to person.

Don’t drink tap water in third world countries and always buy a bottled one.

If you’re concerned about the environment and want to avoid using plastic, bring a reusable bottle from home.

Buy only big water bottles, refill it from hotel’s potable water containers or use SteriPen.

When we hiked the Annapurna Circuit, we refilled our water bottles in drinking stations or used the purification tablets to get the drinking water and to help conserve the environment.

#48 Carry a Travel First-Aid Kit

An unexpected illness or injury that occur when traveling might make your trip less enjoyable.

For that reason, the first-aid kit is an essential piece of equipment on any of your travels. What are the most common travel illnesses? The flu, sunburn, traveler’s diarrhea, motion sickness, bug bites, or altitude sickness.

We ate something bad in San Cristobal de las Casas and under the dog for the next several days.

What should I carry in my first-aid kit? There is no definite answer to this question. It depends on where you go and what you’re going to do once you get there.

And remember people who write travel blogs are not doctors, so it’s always better to get advice from someone with a medical degree, and not a travel blogger!

#49 Stay Healthy

Staying fit and healthy while traveling is super important.

The most important thing you can do while traveling is to get enough sleep.

Your body will be stronger to fight off viruses, your mind will be happier, and you will enjoy traveling more.

Start your day with a rich and healthy breakfast, eat snacks, stay hydrated during the day, stay safe in the sun, try to get some exercise and get a good sleep.

Also, health and positive thinking go well together.

#50 Travel More

Traveling makes you happier, you can find confidence in dealing with unexpected situations, meet new friends and appreciate your home and family more.

And we truly believe that traveling can change your life!

Related Article: The 50 Best Places to Travel in 2022