
Forgive Mom and Dad Day – March 18, 2023

Forgive Mom and Dad Day is observed on March 18 in many parts of the U.S. Every parent has made a mistake or has argued with their child. Our parents are only human and are prone to making mistakes. But let us not forget that as children, we made a lot of mistakes too. Our parents forgave us plenty of times too. Now, it is time we forgive them. Letting our parents know that we do not hold them accountable for past mistakes will surely make their day!

History of Forgive Mom and Dad Day

There is no historical proof as to when this day was first observed. What we know is that Forgive Mom and Dad Day was created by Ruth and Thomas Roy, the founders of They came up with a list of random holidays with the motto of celebrating life and its quirky moments. The official website states, “It’s time to let Mom and Dad down off the wedding cake and into the world of mere humans.”

This day is a reminder that although our parents failed at times, they did their best to support us. We all have had rough days with our mom or dad where we might have said mean things to each other. Most times, we do not mean those hurtful words. There is no point holding a prolonged grudge against them. Unless your parents were intentionally cruel or abusive, it is better to forgive them for their faults.

Parenting is a difficult job that requires immense patience and effort. Parenting does not come with a guidebook. There are times when our parents mean well but are not able to channel their love in the right manner. In such a scenario, the best we can do is to accept them for who they are and let go of any resentment that we might have felt towards them.

Instead of suppressing your anger or sadness, you can start a healthy conversation with your parents and let your feelings out. Discussing problems can help you and the other person identify and understand them. Accepting your emotions is good for your mental health. So, maybe give your parents another chance! What do you say?

Forgive Mom and Dad

1200 B.C.— The Earliest Accounts of Forgiveness

The Old Testament written in Hebrew recounts the earliest instances of the act of forgiveness between people.

1962 — A Noble Act

The townspeople of Oregon, in a remarkable act of generosity, forgive a Japanese soldier who bombed the town during World War II.

2009 — Forgiveness Over Resentment

Stephen Owens decides to forgive his mother who murdered her husband, Stephen’s father, ending 13 years of resentment towards her.

2010 — An Exemplary Tale of Forgiveness

A survivor of child abuse, Pascale Kavanagh, sets an example by not only forgiving her abusive mother but also taking care of her after she suffers a massive stroke.
