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Why Portugal is a Must on your European Travel Wishlist?

Portugal is a beautiful country with stunning beaches, lively cities, and a history that comes alive in its quaint towns and along its ancient shorelines. Located on Europe’s western edge, right next to Spain, Portugal is a must-see destination for anyone touring Europe.

It’s famous for its delicious port wine, sweet custard tarts known as ‘pasteis de nata’, tasty pork dishes, and gorgeous sandy shores. It’s the perfect place for a holiday, offering something special that you can’t find anywhere else. Portugal should definitely be on your list of places to visit in Europe. We recommend several reasons why Portugal should be your choice for an unforgettable getaway.

The locals are welcoming

Portugal’s people are some of the friendliest you’ll meet. They’re known for their warmth and hospitality, so much so that Portugal was voted the most welcoming country in the world out of 188 nations! Those who have spent time in Portugal say that the locals really look out for one another, creating a strong sense of community. They’re known for being courteous, friendly, and grounded.

Whether you’re navigating the bustling streets of a major city or strolling through a sleepy village, you’ll encounter locals eager to help, greet you with a smile, and ensure your safety as you cross streets. And while many Portuguese people can speak English, don’t be surprised if they chat with you in Portuguese, making you feel like you belong there right away.

Trips to small Portuguese towns will give you a taste of local life and hospitality.

The cost of travelling around Portugal is cheaper than you think

Traveling in Portugal won’t break the bank. This country has a long history, dating back to prehistoric times. It rose to prominence in the 15th and 16th centuries but faced setbacks due to an earthquake in 1755, the Napoleonic Wars, and Brazil’s independence in 1822. Since then, Portugal has been catching up with other European countries. Now, it’s known for being one of the most affordable European destinations, with Lisbon being especially affordable compared to other western European capitals. It’s like getting the western European experience at eastern European prices!

Portugal takes tourism seriously. You can easily find free walking tours in big cities or enjoy a port wine tasting in Porto for a small fee. Local museums often don’t charge entry on Sundays, and you can have a meal for less than €7, or grab a coffee and pastry for just €2-3. It’s a great deal!

Portugal is great if you are looking for affordable holiday options in western Europe.

The weather is amazing most of the year

Portugal enjoys wonderful weather for most of the year. Starting in early April, the climate begins to warm up, making spring and summer seasons full of life and activities. People bask in the sunshine along the Algarve coast, enjoy outdoor seating at cafes in Porto, and take hikes through the lush landscapes of Sintra. The Portuguese love the outdoors and welcome travelers to join in the fun.

Even in winter, Portugal remains relatively mild, especially when compared to the colder climates of central or Eastern Europe. On the occasional chilly day, nothing beats the comfort of Portuguese cuisine. Imagine indulging in spicy Portuguese chicken or savoring warm pastries paired with a creamy ‘Meia de Leite’ at a cozy café.

Food you won’t find anywhere else

Portuguese cuisine is truly unique and offers a variety of flavors that you won’t find elsewhere. Indeed, every European country has its own culinary traditions, but Portugal’s food culture stands out. A prime example is the codfish, or ‘bacalhau’, which is a national staple prepared in over 300 different ways! But the culinary experience in Portugal goes beyond just codfish; it’s deeply regional. In the north, you’ll find hearty meat dishes, while the south offers a range of seafood delights. And let’s not forget the iconic ‘pastel de Nata’ from Belem, just outside Lisbon.

When dining in Portugal, expect generous portions at reasonable prices. It’s common to be greeted with complimentary appetizers like olives, cheese, fresh bread, garlic butter, and sometimes tuna spread at local restaurants. Pastry shops dot every corner, and markets bustle with fresh produce, fish, and vegetables daily. For those with a taste for fine dining, Portugal’s gourmet scene includes restaurants helmed by Michelin-Star chefs, offering exquisite culinary experiences.

Experience the local tastes and flavours of Portugal.

The Portuguese win at life

In Portugal, family is everything. It’s the cornerstone of their society, often taking precedence over work and other commitments. This deep connection to family life is woven into the fabric of Portuguese culture. In the late afternoons, it’s common to see people gathering for a chat over a beer or coffee, while elders might be found discussing the latest news or politics on the sidewalks.

The Portuguese enjoy one of the highest life expectancies in the world, currently at 82.80 years in 2024. This impressive statistic is likely a reflection of the high quality of life in the country. Portugal offers a lifestyle that appeals to both travelers and locals alike, with its pleasant climate, unique pastries like the cinnamon-sprinkled ‘pastel de nata’, and the soulful sounds of fado music emanating from homes adorned with beautiful glazed tiles. It’s a place where the joys of life are celebrated daily.

Experience authentic local hospitality on a trip to Portugal.

If a trip to Portugal isn’t on your travel bucket list already, its time to add it! See the buzzing capital of Lisbon, experience historic Porto and discover the beauty of the Algarve coast. Explore this diverse and welcoming destination on its own or you can combine it with more amazing European destinations.
