Secrets Behind the Pyramid of Giza

The Pyramid of Giza is one of the most iconic and mysterious structures in the world. Built over 4,500 years ago, it continues to captivate the imagination of people from all walks of life. While many are familiar with its basic facts, such as its size and purpose, there are several lesser-known aspects of the pyramid that are equally fascinating. In this blog post, we will explore some of the things you may not know about the Pyramid of Giza.
The Construction of the Pyramid

The Pharaoh Behind the Pyramid
Pharaoh Khufu, also known as Cheops, oversaw the construction of the Pyramid of Giza during his reign. Khufu was the second pharaoh of the Fourth Dynasty of the Old Kingdom of Egypt. He ruled for approximately 23 years, from 2589 to 2566 BC.
The Labor Force
The construction of the pyramid required an enormous labor force. Approximately 20,000 to 30,000 individuals participated in building the pyramid. These individuals were not slaves; instead, they were skilled artisans and farmers who were drafted for the project.
The Building Materials
The pyramid’s construction involved quarrying limestone blocks from nearby sources. The construction of the pyramids involved using different materials like limestone, granite, basalt, sun-baked mud bricks, and gypsum (used as mortar). On average, each block weighed approximately 2.5 tons, with some blocks weighing as much as 15 tons. Limestone blocks primarily came from Giza and potentially other nearby areas, while granite was likely quarried upstream in Aswan. Alabaster was sourced from Luxor, and basalt was acquired from the Fayoum depression.
The Alignment with the Stars

The alignment of the Pyramids at Giza could have been directed towards two northern stars.
By looking at the stars, an Egyptologist claims to have found a new way to date the pyramids of Giza and other ancient sites.
Among the numerous enigmas surrounding the pyramids is the method and purpose behind their meticulous north-south alignment. The square base of the Great Pyramid of Cheops deviates by just 3.4 arcminutes from true north, showcasing an incredible precision of roughly 1 millimeter per meter. However, as we shift our attention to some of the later pyramids, a noticeable deviation from this precision emerges, suggesting that the methods employed by their architects for alignment may have become less accurate over time.
The Orion Connection
The alignment of the Pyramid of Giza with the constellation of Orion is a notable feature. This alignment suggests that the three main pyramids symbolize the three stars located in Orion’s Belt. Ancient Egyptians considered this association to hold deep religious and spiritual meaning.
The Solar Boat

Many believe that placing the boat beside the pharaoh was intended to assist him in his journey to the afterlife. Presently, the boat is on display in a museum near the pyramid.
The Hidden Chambers

The King’s Chamber
The King’s Chamber is located in the heart of the pyramid. Many believe it served as Pharaoh Khufu’s burial chamber. This chamber, constructed from red granite, houses a sarcophagus, yet no one has ever discovered any remains within it.
The Queen’s Chamber
The Queen’s Chamber is located above the King’s Chamber. It is smaller in size and less ornate. Its purpose and function are still a subject of debate among Egyptologists.
Pyramids Had a Secret Chamber Where the Deceased’s Soul Rested
The pharaohs considered the Serdab chamber as vital as their pyramids. Situated in close proximity to the pharaoh’s mummy, it housed the Ka statue, which held the king’s life essence after death. According to ancient Egyptian beliefs, if the pharaoh’s mummy met with destruction, his spirit could continue to exist within the Ka statue. Considering the genuine risk of tomb robbery and looting, the Serdab and its Ka statue held immense significance in ensuring a serene and harmonious afterlife for the pharaoh.
The Pyramid Texts Are the Oldest Known Religious Texts in the World

The Pyramid of King Unas at Saqqara followed the construction of the Pyramid of Menkaure by 200 years. Inside its burial chamber, they discovered the “Pyramid texts” inscribed on the wallsThe Pyramid texts, the world’s oldest known religious texts, served the purpose of assisting King Unas’ soul as it left his body and embarked on its journey to the afterlife. These hieroglyphic spells have had a profound impact on our understanding of pharaohs, shedding light on their everyday roles and responsibilities in life. The Unas Pyramid texts also provide the first reference to Osiris, the god of the Underworld.