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Appreciating Travel Advisors Today and Every Day

“Why should I work with a travel agent?”

This is a question I’ve received all too often over the past seven years of working in the travel industry. It’s a question that easily frustrates travel advisors, as they might have grown tired of answering it time and time again.

Over the years, I’ve realized a lot of people are truly clueless as to what travel agents do. They don’t understand the endless benefits of working with an agency. Well, I plan to continue answering this question enthusiastically whenever it’s asked as well as advocate for you, the heroes of the travel industry. Without you, this industry would look a whole lot different.

Travel advisors help clients day in and day out, and this was especially true in the spring of 2020 and the brutal months following. With little to no pay, agents spent early mornings, late nights and endless hours in between, canceling vacations, getting refunds, rescheduling flights, changing tour dates, etc.

When it might have felt like everyone else stepped back and closed up shop, travel agents went to work. Without you, clients might have lost a lot of money, time and sanity. Your clients appreciate you.

Travel advisors help suppliers throughout the year. They act as a bridge between travelers and the product, whether it’s filling hotel rooms, planes or cruise ships. Be sure to choose partners carefully and work with those that appreciate everything it is that you do. Reflecting over the past year is a great way to see which suppliers had your back and which ones might not have. Choose to work with the ones who appreciate you.

Travel advisors help make destinations into tourism hotspots. Most tourism boards are huge advocates for travel advisors because they know just how much agents play a role in connecting travelers to their destinations. Many destinations even host FAM trips for travel advisors to gain firsthand knowledge. Tourist destinations will always appreciate you.

It’s been a long, stress-filled year, but it’s no surprise you and your business are still standing. Travel advisors have shown their resiliency time and time again, and I am impressed with the way agencies have handled this hectic year.

My hope is that your devoted clients, suppliers, destinations and all travel partners not only appreciate you today on National Travel Advisor Day but every day and that inquiring travelers realize all the benefits that come from working with you.

Be sure to soak in the day and take advantage of the various perks companies are offering this month. Then buckle up and prepare for a busy season ahead. The travel comeback is coming, and 2021 is the year of the travel advisor.
