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Philippines travel green list: the UAE and Oman added in the latest update

We bring the latest update on Philippines travel green list

Travelers from these countries can now skip facility-based quarantine as long as they have a negative PCR test

The Philippines has added the UAE to its latest green list travel update.

This means travelers who are fully vaccinated will not need to undergo facility-based quarantine as long as they have a negative PCR result within 72 hours prior to departure from the country of origin.

The vaccines that the Philippines recognizes are Pfizer–BioNTech; Oxford–AstraZeneca; Sinovac; Sputnik V; Janssen; Covaxin; Moderna; Sinopharm and Sputnik Light.

Other newly added countries to the list include Oman, Pakistan, and India. The update will come into effect on Tuesday, November 16.

The country also added the Faroe Islands and the Netherlands to its red list, currently the only two on it.

All other nations, territories, and jurisdictions not included in the green and red lists are considered under the yellow list.

Those coming from a yellow list country will need to quarantine at a facility until they receive a negative PCR test taken on day five and then quarantine at home until a negative test on day 10.

The Philippines on Abu Dhabi green list

Last week, the Philippines was added to Abu Dhabi’s green list meaning that those who are vaccinated or unvaccinated and coming into the UAE capital do not need to isolate but still need to take PCR tests.

Fully vaccinated travellers will need to take a PCR test on arrival and another test on day six. Those who are unvaccinated will need to take a PCR test on arrival and day six and day nine, if staying in the emirate.
