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Top 10 Safest Countries for LGBTQ+ Travelers

With LGBTQ+ History Month coming to an end in the United Kingdom, London-based SEO agency Reboot thought it would be a good time to find out which countries around the world are the safest for members of the queer community.

As a result, the firm set out to confidently compile a list of the top ten safest countries, collecting data on LGBTQ+ rights in over 160 countries worldwide. As a result, it was able to compile a list of the most dangerous countries for LGBTQ+ people to live or travel in.

To assess the status of LGBTQ+ rights in each of these nations, the company examined their legislation in 10 essential categories, including societal acceptance, homosexual activity, same-sex marriage, censorship, gender reassignment, discrimination, employability, housing and the ability to adopt a child. For data, researchers used readily available resources such as government websites and existing global surveys.

Surprisingly, nine out of ten of the world’s safest countries for LGBTQ+ people to visit or live in are in Europe, with Canada coming in fifth place. All of these countries have legalized same-sex marriage, gender reassignment, and the adoption of LGBTQ+ children.

Other shared characteristics among the top ten include little discrimination, with employment and housing opportunities for members of the queer community nearly identical to those available to any cisgender straight person. In these areas, there are also fewer reported hate crimes.

2The Netherlands9.92/10
8United Kingdom9.75/10


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